I have decided my love of food and my love of being a cheap ass must combined into a new weekly column where I rate cheap restaurants in my neighborhood (old favies to new ones)
I was recently introduced to a sandwich shop that has taken over my mind...which is normally over run by the thought of burritos....
Num Pang is a very small Vietnamese sandwich shop located in Greenich village on 12th St right off of University Place. The sandwiches are not very traditional but holy crap I can't stop thinking about them. I have only had the roast pork belly and the brisket, but based on these two sandwiches alone, I am sure they are all delicious, and at $7.50 that are the best damn lunch or dinner a small amount of money can buy.

photo credit - roast pork belly with pear
Ok, so I didn't take that picture...I brought my camera with all intentions of it, but right when I saw that sandwich there was absolutely no time to take a picture before it was in my mouth.
Deliciousness - *****
Price - $
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