Some ideas I have been collecting over the past year: Peggy Bundy, Sookie (True Blood), a Chola!, Bob Ross (though I have found myself in dragish costumes the past few years)...
Last year my roommate and I were characters from Waiting for Guffman, for those who don't know the film, go watch it! And for those who love the glory that is Christopher Guest, we were Blaine Stool facotry workers, with stools and all. We memorized the song and made a little dance. For those that recognized us, it was the best feeling.

It was a fairly easy costume to make and not a lot of money. Bought cheap jump suites, stenciled letters on the back and bought super cheap stools, however those didn't last very long that night.
The year before I went really cheap, inspired by my white and red striped shirt, and was none other than Waldo himself. The only thing I had to buy was a red beenie for about $3 and a pair of round hairy potter like glasses for about $5. The rest of the costume came from things found around the house.

Unfortunatly due to my job there were a few years where I didn't get to celebrate Halloween or I completely half assed it. But quite a few years back I was Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction.

Damn I love Halloween, when else do you get to walk around NYC with a syringe coming out of your chest?
This year though I'm very excited, I think its going to be pretty awesome and both of my roommates are involved as well. I will get to be all bloody and be a red head! Fun times!
Anyone have any good Halloween costume ideas or making their own cheap DYI?
I love the where's Waldl costume. The Peggy Bundy costume would be great - think skinny black pants, Fredericks of Hollywood kitten heels and mohair sweater ( or is that too Olivia Newton John via Grease???) work it girl!! I want to be half an avocado. I think this will be the only time fit me to riock a baby bump (ala avocado Pitt) in costume form. X