Thursday, February 11, 2010

G9 you are my Hall to my Oats...Cause You Make My Dreams Come True!

So as many of my devoted readers (the whole 4 of you) know I am leaving for Nigeria, like really really soon...eeep. I couldn't be more excited to go experience a new culture, way of life, food..basically everything...

So of course I had to buy myself a new awesome camera to capture everything. Now I plan on bringing my film SLR and shooting black and whites, but I also thought it was time to get myself in this thing people are calling "the digital age"...ok, I don't think anyone is calling it that..but you know a digital camera was needed. I wanted something small that I could carry around easily but had all the features of an SLR...(well except for an awesome lens) and also something I could afford...even though I've been ebaying like a mad woman, I couldn't drop more than I few hundred. So after doing all my researched I settled on a beautiful and amazing used Canon Powershot G9. Loves it!

Behold its beauty and my cheezy test shots at home...

gotsta love owls and shallow depths of fields

oooh colors! and seriously I don't need any more nail polish...except black...I don't have black, must go buy nail polish...

So in the end I got my lovely "new" G9, a case, 3 memory cards, charger, 3 batteries, and a cable for $360. Not too shabby...especially since I made that back on my ebay sales....

Also one of my friends, who also has a major love for the G9, gave me this cool little toy called the GorillaPod. Awesome bendable tripod that goes just about anywhere a narcissist would want to take a picture of themself.

Oh look its a narcissist! "Hey There"

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of the nail polish. Is that with your new camera?
