The title might be a little deceiving as YES I had an amazing time in London, but very far from cheap. I did choose a lot of free touristy activities such as going to the TATE Modern, lounging in the Green Park, visiting the famous Abbey Road, and walking Portobello Market on a Saturday, but unfortunately it is the Underground Transportation that gets you to all these places that really adds up.
I did however stumble upon the greatest cheap ass accessory of a displaced irish/german/drinker in London...

Yes, that is a liter bottle FULL of Strongbow cider for 3pounds! Yum!
The weather was beautiful, the cider plentiful and I can't wait to see where I end up next.....oh that's right, the Cheap Ass Bitch is taking Boston by storm all summer step aside Massholes, there will be a new bitch in town. But don't worry I am not a Yankee's fan, Go Giants, GO Panda!